
VIDEO: Florida Swing and a Miss!

Kevin Knighton takes his brother Brent out for a swing and a miss on an up close Florida gobbler!


A Bittersweet Time

With Alabama’s deer season now over, there are a mix of emotions. It’s very much different from the rest of the country because our rut is just now kicking really good. This is the time that we constantly are checking the cameras to see if any new bucks are showing up and trying to figure out where to hunt the last few days to have the best chance at seeing one of those rutting bucks. It never fails that a couple of real good bucks will always show up this time of year and send everyone in a panic and make us start second guessing where we sit. But that is all part of the fun that goes along with trying to outsmart one of those big ol’ whitetail bucks. The only bad thing about it is the hunting part of this game ends for us next week but the strategies are pretty much a year round thing. But for now it’s back to check some more cameras and staring at the map to find the best last minute spot.

– Jeremy Johnson, Backwoods Crew Alabama

VIDEO: Osceola at 10 Yards!

Check out Kevin’s turkey hunt, up close and personal with an Osceola!


VIDEO: Two Yard Turkey Shot!

What’s your closest shot on a turkey? Here’s one at TWO yards!



VIDEO: Record Book 5 Bearded Gobbler

Backwoods Life’s own Woody Sullivan tags a record book gobbler with his bow in Nebraska.



VIDEO: Trulock Turkey Choke vs. Factory

What choke do you shoot for turkey? The Trulock proves how effective it is on paper!



VIDEO: So You Want Your Own TV Show?

Do you want your own outdoor TV show? Backwoods Life host, Michael Lee, tells how they started and the difficulties of doing it the right way.


VIDEO: Kansas Turkey Hunting at It’s Best!

The Backwoods Life crew hit the woods in Kansas with Royer Hunts to try and tag some Kansas Rio gobblers!

Great Optics Equals Success

One piece of equipment every hunter needs in their bag is a good pair of binoculars. All of us here on the Backwoods crew use Hawke brand binoculars and scopes religiously. But a good tip is to not just use your optics while you are hunting, but also carry them with you during the off season too.

I use mine a lot in preseason scouting while looking at deer or turkeys around the farm but also use them for checking out treetops for acorns and persimmons. I know some people would begin their seasons suiting up with these in hand, holstering them away (some in chest options like those seen on with their firearms. For those who prefer to shoot their game more directly, this makes perfect sense. You can get a better angle on your shot if you’re seeing where you’re aiming first, and for those times in the season when you’re fully kitted out it makes sense to find a way to ensure the effort will all be worth it.

After all, when we’re striking out at deer we need to ensure we’re getting the one we want, not one that would be a loss for the local ecology if we bagged. For those of us more interested in admiring the wildlife, however, well they still have their uses. They come in handy to try and spot those big white oak and chestnut oak acorns up in the trees among the leaves where it is usually pretty hard to spot them with a naked eye. Having a little extra help can make all the difference. So go ahead, take your binos with you on those preseason scouting trips so you can find out which trees have the acorns in them and you’ll know where to put your stand.

So give those Hawke Optics a look and happy scouting. Alternatively if you’re looking for other binocular brands, you could view sites such as SurvivalCooking for many hunting product reviews.

VIDEO: Turkey Tragedy – .410 Misfire

Michael Lee and Mike Lee get close to some Rio Grande gobblers while turkey hunting. Mike’s 410 shotgun doesn’t quite do what his plan was.